Usage of terminology and types of Mudras in Rabindra Dance, its categories and their references

Usage of terminology and types of Mudras in Rabindra Dance, its categories and their references

Rabindra has a special place in dance due to the use of terminology in Rabindra dance.

Here are the terms:Tal, Tali, empty, somo, rotation, dimension.

Tal :–In music, rhythm is the amount of time defined within certain dimensions.

The beauty of music is the creation of variations and variations within regular rhythms. Established by song, music and dance rhythms. Not just music, this universe revolves in certain rhythms. A slight deviation of the rhythm will lead to a great flood. According to many Shastrakars, Shankara in 'T' and Shakti in 'L' - i.e. Purusha and Prakriti - created the rhythm of the union of the two. Names of some rhythms are - Dadra, Kaharba, Teora, Jhaptal etc.

 Tali :-The sound produced by striking with the palms of both hands is called Tali.

Eg – 1) Tali is shown in first dimension of 6 dimensions of Dadra Tal.

2) Among the four divisions of the 16 dimensions of Tritala are the first dimension, the fifth dimension and the thirteenth dimension.

Empty :–The place where there is no clap is called blank or gap.

The hand is shown empty. For example – Dadra taal shows gap in 4 dimensions. Trital has gap in 9 dimensions. Gap sign is -0.

Samo :–A tal that is empty in the first measure of a tala is called Samo.

Among the three talis of the four divisions of the Dadra Tal, the first dimension of the Samo.Kaharba Tal and the first dimension of the Samo.Trital, the first dimension tali is the Samo.The beat of the rhythm starts from samo. The metaphoric rhythm is empty in the first dimension.

Equal sign – + or .

rotation :-A round from the first dimension of the rhythm to the last dimension is called a revolution.

For example, one revolution of Dadra Tal is 6 degrees.

Dimension:–If a certain time is divided into equal parts, each of them is called a Dimension.

Eg - Dadra tale 6 levels. The size of the measure depends on the rhythm. If the rhythm is slow, it takes more time from one measure to another. If the rhythm is faster, it takes less time from one measure to another. The exact measure of each measure is an essential part of maintaining the rhythm of the music. This measure is called the scale.

●What is Mudra? How many types and what are they?

    In dance, when a meaning is expressed by special finger gestures, it is called mudra.

    Mudra is the language of dance. Different mudra are used for different meanings. Again the same mudra is used in different postures to convey different meanings.

Mudra are mainly of 2 types – Linked Mudra and Unlinked Mudra.

◆Linked Mudra – Mudra that are shown with both hands are called Linked Mudra.

Natya Shastra mentions 13 types and Abhinaya Darpana mentions 23 types of connected mudras.

According to Abhinaya Darpan 23 types of associated Mudra are named – Anjali, Kapot, Karkat, Swastika, Dolhast, Pushpaput, Utsanga, Shivlinga, Katkababdharna, Kartari Swastik, Shakta, Conch, Chakra, Samput, Pash, Kilak, Matsya, Kurmma, Barah, Garuda, Nagabadh, Khatta and Verund.

 ◆Unlinked Mudra – Mudra that are shown in one hand are called unlinked Mudra.

 24 types are mentioned in Natyashastra and 28 types of unattached mudras in Abhinaya Darpana.

Names of 28 unattached Mudra in Abhinaya Darpan – Flag, Tripataka, Ardhapataka, Kartarimukha, Mayur, Ardhachandra,

aural, hairy, fist, peak,

Kapithya, Katkamukh, Index, Chandrakala, Padmakosh, Sarpshir,Hansasya, Hanspaksha, Sandansha, Mukul, Tamrachur, Trishul.

■Application and use of ten connected Mudras

Anjali :- When two flag hands are joined together it becomes Anjali hand.

    Applies to deities, gurus, vipraganas.

Kapot :- If there is a gap in the middle of the palm while the tip of the finger and manibandha are connected in Anjali hand, it is Kapot hand.

      Applies to prostrations and pledges.

Karkot :- If the fingers of one hand are inserted through the gap of the fingers of the other hand, Karkot of the hand occurs.

        Applies to crowds, big bellies, limbs, branches, development.

Swastik :- When two flag hands are joined together in manibandha, it is a swastika hand.

Pushpaput :- When two snake hands are joined side by side, Pushpaput occurs.

      Applies to aarti, offering flowers, evening worship, receiving fruits, berries.

Shakta :- Shakta occurs when the thumbs of both hands are extended from the two joints.

      Rakshasa applies to acting.  

Shivlinga :- If the crescent moon is in the left hand and Shikhar in the right hand, the Shivalinga is held.

     Used to refer to Shivlinga.

Chakra :-When the crescent moons of two hands touch each other's palms diagonally, Chakra is done.

    Used to denote cycles.

Samput :-Sumpt if the fingers of the chakra hand are folded.

    Used to denote the covering of objects, boxes.

Side :- Side hand is when two index fingers are joined together and clenched.

       Quarrel, Shankhal, is used to mean side.


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